Legalism, Sexual Sin, and My Experience with Bill Gothard

Even before now, plenty of people have accused members
of the Institute in Basic Life Principles (also founded by Gothard) of legalism
and cultish behavior. I’ve even seen many people link Gothard’s sexual sin with
the doctrines he espouses. I may not be steeped in IBLP culture, but I am familiar enough with it to ask myself
this question: does this devastating news about Bill Gothard nullify my own
experience with his teaching?
You see, I benefitted greatly from IBLP. For the
two years I was enrolled in the Telos Institute, I spent hours each day
saturating my mind with Scripture. I learned helpful principles related to
money management, marriage, and child training. I learned how to grow in
transparency with others and submit to biblical accountability. I learned
beneficial study habits and word study techniques that have helped me in my
perusal of Scripture to this day. Considering the place I was in my spiritual journey,
Telos was just what I needed.
What about the accusations of legalism? Well,
many of them are indeed true. If you’re familiar with IBLP at all, you know a
lot of the teaching material includes detailed lists about what to do in
various circumstances. One such example involves the six basic steps to conquer
impurity. Obviously, those steps didn’t insulate Bill Gothard from the evil in
his own heart.
Now, practically all of the listed steps to
fight impurity are based on biblical wisdom. (You can do much worse than
memorize Romans 6, after all.) But are all these steps—and the order in which
they are arranged—absolutely necessary for fighting lust? No. That goes well
beyond what the Bible teaches.
So yeah, I entered Telos with my eyes wide open.
I knew some of Bill Gothard’s teachings were legalistic. Some could even be
interpreted as humanistic.
What I experienced while enrolled at Telos,
though, was grace upon grace. I may not have agreed with everything I was
taught. Nevertheless, every time I interacted with my professors, whether in
email or in person, I found nothing but gospel-saturated warmth and kindness.
To be clear, I’m not saying any of this to
excuse or condone Bill Gothard’s actions. My desire is that he faces serious
consequences for his crimes. I hope this not only for his many victims but for
his own good as well. It will not do Gothard any good to escape temporal
consequences and be ill prepared for eternal consequences.
It’s almost disheartening, really, to think that
I have practically never been involved with a church or ministry that hasn’t
been rocked by scandal or schism. This isn’t the first time I have seen the
corruption of power and the deceitfulness of sin. And yet, amidst this fallen
world’s countless tragedies, nothing has crippled God in His care for my soul.
So as I mourn over the revelation of Bill
Gothard’s once-secret sins, I can also remain thankful for how God used his
teaching to bless my own life. I needn’t choose between sadness and
gratefulness. These two responses may not be the best bedfellows, but they
aren’t mutually exclusive either.