The Swimming Lessons of Faith
Over three years ago, I began a blog series on the most
neglected entry in the Ten Commandments: “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it
holy” (see Exod. 20:8-11). Seven months and forty posts later, the series still
hadn’t covered all the Scriptural material dealing with the Sabbath.
Nevertheless, I had been duly affected by my study, and our family’s Sunday
habits evolved into something more refreshing, restful, and relaxing than we
could have ever dreamed.
Imagine a poor landowner accidentally breaking open an oil
reserve on his property. That is how we felt in our pursuit of the Sabbath—like
God had a main conduit of blessing just beneath the surface and we found
ourselves positioned to receive from its abundance. Our relationships with God
and each other experienced an increase in joy and affection.
Of course, it can be easy for our souls to turn habits and
practices—even divinely ordained ones—into rote and bland traditions. Three
years after my blog series, it can sometimes be a struggle to remember why we’re treating Sunday different from
the other days of the week. We need God’s grace in order to keep our
Scripturally-inspired traditions from becoming legalistic or mundane pursuits.
One means of such grace came to me recently in the form of
an article in Christianity Today
entitled “The Sabbath Swimming Lesson,” by Susan
Wunderink. The article makes excellent use of a swimming lesson as an analogy
for the Sabbath rest. I highly recommend reading it.
This article is a reminder to
me of one the central ideas behind the Sabbath rest: following God is a matter
of trust. Like all truly good pursuits, the life of faith is hard. Scripture
even calls it a fight (see 1 Tim. 6:12 and 2 Tim. 4:7). Our flesh may
look at the ways of God with jaw-dropping incredulity, and it can often be a
fight to believe in His promises. But as countless Christians throughout the
ages have experienced, the promises of God are precious and magnificent (2 Pet.
May we all continue to find
greater rest and joy and peace as we press on to know the Lord with greater
intimacy. May we embrace His promises and commands with increasing delight. May
we seek to benefit from the numerous swimming lessons of faith that He provides
for us.