I Love Jesus, but I Hate the Church
“By this all will know that you
are My disciples, if you judge and despise one another.”
Sadly, many in the church (including
me) often think and live as if that is actually what Jesus said. Facebook
rhetoric abounds in our interactions. You know, where we commit “drive by
criticisms,” post snarky memes, and plaster derogatory labels on others—and
all for the sake of good (at least, in our minds). This attitude can even pop
up in otherwise well meaning statements, like the title of this blog post: “I
love Jesus, but I hate the church.” Our Christianity can be characterized by
judgmentalism and despising.
But that’s not in line with Jesus’ words
in John 13:35. He said the world would know us as His disciples “if [we] have love for
one another.” This love Jesus refers to is a love for the church—not
buildings with steeples, but the body of believers that He purchased with His
own blood (Acts 20:28).
Yes, the visible church is filled
with hypocrites, and no one likes a hypocrite. There are plenty of people
playing church. Until Jesus comes back, this will always be the
case. The tares will grow up among the wheat (Matt. 13:24-30).
But Jesus isn’t talking about condoning
those who pretend to be something they’re not. He also isn’t referring to a benevolent
disposition for the general population. No, this trait that will send
shockwaves through the world is a fond affection for the church—precisely
because it is filled with Christians. Not that we love no one else but believers; on the contrary! Rather,
our love starts with our spiritual family members and works its way out from
there. In short, the world will know we belong to the family of God if we act like the family of God.
How should we act as the family of God? One way to discern how our love should look is to see how it shouldn’t look. Toward that end, Paul says in Romans 14:3, “Let
not him who eats despise him who does not eat, and let not him who does not eat
judge him who eats; for God has received him.”
The two responses prohibited here
are despising and judging. We must neither despise nor judge our fellow
brothers and sisters in Christ. Despising includes thinking little of and
disdaining others. It involves the attitude Jesus addresses in Luke
18:9—feeling superior because of your good works and therefore looking down on
others. Similarly, judging, while not always bad, is dangerous when it is
synonymous with condemning (Rom. 2:1). There are plenty of condemnable things
in this world, but a forgiven child of God is not one of them.
In contrast with despising and
judging, Romans 14:3 hints at how we should
treat our fellow brothers and sisters. God has received them as His own, Paul
says. It should be clear, then, that we should also receive them. Even when
they aren’t living up to our—or, what really matters, God’s—standards. Even when
they are a burden. Even when they slip and fall, or demonstrate immaturity in
their words, actions, or beliefs.
God has received us in all our
brokenness and sin. This overwhelming love should be demonstrated in how we
open up our arms, our homes, and our hearts to other members of the church. “Therefore
receive one another, just as Christ also received you, to the glory of God”
(Rom. 15:7).
We see an example of this love
played out by the church in Galatia. Paul writes to them, “You know that
because of physical infirmity I preached the gospel to you at the first. And my
trial which was in my flesh you did not despise or reject, but you received me
as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus . . . . For I bear you witness that,
if possible, you would have plucked out your own eyes and given them to me” (Gal.
We don’t know all the details of
the situation, but either Paul’s infirmity (possibly poor eyesight) directly led
him to stay at Galatia, or Paul’s preaching in Galatia was accompanied by the
hindrance of his infirmity. Whatever the case, Paul commends the Galatians for
not despising or rejecting him—using almost identical language to Romans 14:3.
The Galatians could have viewed
Paul’s coming as a burden. His trial, his physical infirmity, put a strain on
their resources. And yet they refused to despise or reject him—indeed, they
welcomed him as if he were an angel of God, or even Jesus Christ Himself! And
if it had been possible, they would have given Paul their own eyes to alleviate
his distress. That is the kind of
love we are to show one another.
Yes, the church is a messed up place.
It is literally teeming with sinners. Functionally speaking, there isn’t an untarnished
individual in the entire bunch. But positionally speaking, every genuine
believer is in right standing with God, accepted and welcomed by Him because of
Christ. Christians are referred to as saints, whether they fully behave like saints
or not. And because Christ does not judge or despise them, neither should we.
We should receive them just as God in Christ has welcomed and received us.